French Scarf Template and Instructions

My French Scarf has been very popular this winter among my friends. It is a versatile design with a cuff at the neck end allowing a myriad of different styles. Most helpfully it stays in place (no more tugging and adjusting). I've been kept busy with orders. It took a little while to refine the technique to make it light enough to drape beautifully but still snuggly warm. If you want to have a go I have included instructions and a template.

1. Measure a template out of underlay or plastic. I have allowed for 40% shrinkage. You will also need to cut out a small resist 14.5x16.5cm

2. Gather your materials. You will need approximately 100grams of merino. I used 18 micron as the wool is close to the neck and needs to be soft. I also used silk hankies, viscose and cut up bits of silk fabric for embellishment. (Note: I used two colours for this layout: grey for side one and pink for side two)

3. Lay your template on a piece of bubble wrap large enough to accommodate the template. Have a few small pieces of bubble wrap available for straightening the edges later.

3. You will be making this double sided so start by laying down the embellishments (silk, viscose, silk hankies) for side one.

4. Layout the merino on side 1 in a horizontal direction.

5. Wet down with soapy water and neaten edges by sliding a small piece of bubble wrap (bubble side up)  under the stray wool edges and turn it back on itself. Stroke it a few times to stick the stray wool to the edge. Proceed like that all around the edge of the template.

6. Lay out side two in a vertical direction. If using two colours make the long neck part the same colour as side 1.

7. Add in second colour as you proceed down the garment.

8. Wet down again and smooth edges as before.

9. Add embellishments to side 2.

10. Using a piece of net and a scrunch of bubble wrap rub the neck end to felt slightly (pre-felt stage).

11. Insert your resist on the fold and fold the pre-felted neck end over the resist to form a cuff. Ensure you have about 5cm projecting from the resist to connect to the main body of the garment.

12. Continue felting in your usual manner either rubbing or rolling until the embellishments pass the "pinch" test and the fool is felted. Pay particular attention to the join on the cuff and the silk embellishments to ensure they are completely connected.

13. Remove the resist and using a scrunch of bubble wrap felt inside the cuff until the inside is felted.

14. Commence fulling paying particular attention to smoothing the edges. Check for size against the template until it is the size you desire.

15. Rinse in clean water until the water runs clear. Roll in towel to remove excess water and dry.

16. Iron both sides - wear with joy and pride!


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