I think I just made the ugliest pair of slippers, ever.  In fairness to myself I have never made a pair of slippers before and I have never used Alpaca as the only fibre.
Years ago when I had just become interested in felling I bought a whole big bag of alpaca for just $20.
I've tried incorporating it with Merino but it just ends up very hairy and prickly- but I figured it wouldn't matter too much with a pair of slippers.
I cut the resist with enough allowance for shrinkage and made them inside out, ie the design was felted inside and then turned out to full.
Problem number 1: the design didn't take, so I'm left with a couple of ugly blobs made by some silk hanky which has sort of buried itself into the alpaca fibre and the lovely fluffy synthetic embellishment fell of!
Problem number 2: the alpaca didn't shrink nearly as much as merino. Eventually in desperation I put them in the dryer for 20 minutes. Problem solved- but they sure are ugly.
However they will be warm and only my husband and the dog will see me in them.


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