Art Imitates Life

They say Art Imitates Life - well in this case "they" are correct.
This was not at all what I had envisaged when I started this piece.

I worked really hard to dye the wool and the silk a very fine shade of pink with just a hint of grey. The wool turned out more like a fairy floss and the silk had a lavender shade to it. But I soldiered on.
Ages ago I made a felted coat from grey wool and silk but was never very happy with the final result. I pulled it apart and fulled it really hard to see if I liked the effect better - but I didnt. So I ended up cutting it up into 2 inch squares.

 I thought on the back ground of the pinky grey wool it would look nice. I also thought to give it a bit of "pop" by using a brighter pink under some of the squares and a darker grey on others.
AS I started to felt it and it began to shrink I could see that the heavier squares on the silk and fine layer of wool cover were just too heavy and looked kind of YUK!
This is the final result:
OK - so what I learned the textures and weight need to be appropriate for each other - the grey squares were just too heavy. It probably would have been better hand felted - not sanded as the shrinkage from sanding is too great. and putting lighter coloured wool over a brighter silk doesnt really work. bright wool over light silk is OK but not the other way around.
So just like life when it doesnt go according to plan, learn from it and move on!


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