First Handspun Project completed

It's been a long haul from this:

to this:

I spun an old bag of alpaca I had from Bendigo Woollen Mills then plied it. There was some colour changes in the wool so I dont know if it was all from one animal or from different beasts. Once it was plied and soaked the colour difference wasnt quite so noticeable.
After I soaked it I hung it on a door knob to dry with a spray bottle hanging from the bottome. I kept changing the position so it dried evenly.
When I plied it I found that tying the skein in four places made it easier to manage and wind once it was dry.
I used a simple treble crochet pattern and then wove in the first merino I'd spun and rainbow dyed.
After I needle felted the flowers I also dribbled some of the merino over the top and then wet felted the whole scarf.
Not sure if it was because of the two different wools (alpaca and merino) or because the wool was plied but the dribbles of wool wouldnt wet felt. Eventually I had to needle felt the dribbles as well.
I quite like the affect - somewhat retro. It will certainly be warm. I'm going to try to spin some merino and make some mittens next.


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