From this to this. The wool was soaked overnight in room temp water and salt.  I used 1/4 teas commercial dye to 1/2 cup water at 90 degrees C.

I laid the hank out on gladwrap and then squirted the dye onto the hank, using rubber gloves to make sure it had sunk in on each side. Then I changed the colour.
I forgot to add the vinegar to the water so squirted it on after I had squirted the dye. It seemed to work well as there was no residue when I rinsed it.

Finally I wrapped the hank in gladwrap an cooked it in a microwave dish

Cooked it in the micro wave a t 3/4 power (level 8) for eight minutes.
After it has been felted I'll return to this post to report if it loses any colour during felting


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