This is the last scarf of my project and probably my favourite. Again, I used the cobweb technique over majellan I dyed pale pink with pale blue and pink merino. The flowers were made from chiffon silk I dyed a really bright pink. Truthfully, the pink chiffon was a mistake as I was making it for something else and got carried away with the dye!.
However it just goes to show that nothing in felting should be wasted. I stuck the flowers on with merino and some additional wool scraps for the centre. I also added some scraps of cotton lace and a few twists of silk throwers waste.
If you look closely you can see some black spots. I hadnt washed my curtain material from a previous felting session and there was some blobby bits of left over wool stuck to it which then stuck to the scarf.
Fortunately it kind of looks like it should be there and I wasnt telling anyone that it was an accident!


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