This is my first hank of handspun wool from the spindle I bought in Norway. I'm sure if ever I look back on this photo I'll cringe as it is very rough. However I can honestly say I improved as I practiced. My last ball was sooo much better than my first - and I think I'm hooked on the spinning process.
Now I just have to figure out how to use it in my work.
For the record this hank weighed in at 117gms. I'm trying to be a bit more scientific about weights and sizes rather than just guestimating. I've soaked it in salted water and will have a go at dyeing it tomorrow. I'm not sure if that is the best way to do it but it is how I dye the merino tops so I'll have a bash and see what happens.
I'd like to use it as the base for a felted scarf. Keeping a record of weight will help me to understand this new addition to my work in the future. If my idea works it will be useful to know how much handspun I need for a scarf.


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