Wool Dyeing with Avocado

This was my first attempt at dyeing with avocado.
1. I put 1 tabspoon of alum and about a cup of near boiling water until the alum had dissolved and then topped it up with rain water.
2. I boiled the avodado skins and seeds (about 3 medium sized avocados) in rain water for about an hour and a half. I didnt chop up the seeds but think if I had I may have got more pink colouration.
3. I cooled the brew and then strained it a couple of times to remove any of the fruit residue.
4. After gently pressing the soaking water from the fibre I put it into ziplock bags and into the micro-wave for about 12 minutes in 2 minute bursts. The colour didnt seem to be taking so I added some vinegar to each bag and gave it two busts of five minutes at 3/4 power.
5. Still not a lot of colour take up so I left it soak overnight
6. I'm quite happy with the results but would have liked more pink. Next time will try chopping up the seeds and leaving it to soak longer after boiling


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