When it all comes together

People often ask me how long it takes to make a scarf and I usually answer about 4 - 6 hours. But I generally fail to take into account the pre-work that goes into the bringing all the various elements together.

This scarf started as an experiment in dyeing with avocado skins. It took me quite a few weekends (and lots of avocado sandwiches) later to get the particular colour I was seeking. Mind you at this stage I had no idea what I would do with it - just knew I wanted to re-produce this great pinky/browny/fawny colour that reminded me of vintage lace from the 1920's.

When I finally produced the colour I was looking for it sat in my stash waiting for the right moment. Then a lovely lady I've never met (thanks Jill) donated some dog hair. Wow - it was soft and a fabulous tawny colour. So I went searching through the stash and found some baby camel hair, my avocado dyed silk and lace and some silk I'd found in an op shop.

Washing and felting dog hair is not fun but the results made up for the effort. It turned out as a lovely soft, warm, scarf/wrap.
If you'd like to see it, it is on display with a couple of my other pieces st the Hervey Bay Gallery in the Spinners and Weavers Exhibition until the end of August.


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