Fasination with Fasinators

Even though the Melbourne Cup in Australia is long over I continue to be fascinated with Fasinators.
These pretty semi-hats are an important part of dressing up for Cup Day.
 Perhaps because I just cant wear a hat (my face is somehow the wrong shape) I have fallen in love with creating these pretty bits of frippery.

From a felting perspective they are more complex than you would anticipate. To get a smooth finish and neat edges requires a lot of work - but well worth it when I see the results.

I made the bases and the silk paper flowers, then added the feathers and netting.
Hardest job was stitching in the lining, but I was determined they would look as professional as possible and that meant they had to be satin lined!
I've had no experience as a milliner but I am very pleased with the results.
Next year I'm hoping to have a range of colours and shapes for sale before the winter racing season.


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