I'm an Artist Now!

When I first started felting about six years ago a member of the local artist's group explained to me that I wasn't an "artist" I was a "crafter".

At the time the distinction didn't really worry me. I wasn't interested in making decorative work just practical items like bags, slippers and scarves.

But at the beginning of 2020, bushfires struck all Australian states and our TV screens were filled with images of destruction. Horrified by the fires, the images went around and around in my head until I felt a need to express what I was seeing and feeling. I could see the images of devastation but also the inherent beauty of the colour, light and shade of the flames.

My first artwork was born.

That became the inspiration for other creations and a lot of experimentation, challenge, disappointment and occasional success. Many of my pieces end up being chopped up or thrust into the corner.

However, a few have survived and are now being exhibited at our local gallery. I was very apprehensive to display them (after all, I'm not an artist - just a crafter), so I was thrilled when they were highlighted to be hung at the opening display of the collection.

I reckon - just maybe - that now I'm a crafter and an artist too!


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