Working in Two D

 Moving away from more traditional uses of felt (bags, garment, scarves) and into a realm of pure form, colour and texture is incredibly fulfilling. I don't worry about its saleability whether it will fit or whether the person who has commissioned it will like it. This is purely for me. Each piece stretches me, challenges me and teaches me.

This is one of my early pieces. It started with a base of cotton scrim and grew - largely unplanned to represent the separation and connectedness that I experienced during the early Covid lockdown.

I learned that even though work is unplanned I need to have a central point of focus and try now to start with that in mind.

This piece started as an exercise of ink on felt which reminded me of the isobar on weather maps - hence the name, "Storm Coming In".

Sadly I have now removed it from its canvas and it sits unloved in my bag of rejects!

My next piece started as an experiment in spinning mixed fibres which reminded me of the stunning colours of black opals.

This time I incorporated both weaving and stitching into my work.

Resulting in this piece "Black Opal".
This piece embodies for me what I am seeking to achieve - form, colour, texture. I like that the viewer can always find some new little detail to tempt the eye.


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